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Our Commitment to Racial Equity Our Commitment to Racial Equity

Our Commitment to Racial Equity


Dear AVYA Family,

Our hearts are heavy as we reflect on the inequities, brutality and violence that persist in our world. AVYA stands behind the Black Lives Matter movement. We support those who are raising their voices in protest. The existence of racism is unjust and contrary to humanity.

AVYA was created with the vision of inclusivity, that women everywhere feel recognized, valued and respected. From the beginning, the AVYA team has worked to break down barriers, have difficult conversations, and transform social constructs. Our own experiences give us the opportunity to look deeply at the role we play as an organization and the actionable steps we can take to create positive and lasting change.

We will start today by supporting local communities, in Austin and New York, where our offices are located. First, a donation will be made to the Austin Justice Coalition, a group that educates and builds community power for people of color who need support during a time of systemic injustice.

We also announce the launch of the AVYA Foundation, a non-profit dedicated to empowering women and girls, specifically those who have been underserved, underrepresented, and largely minority. We want to lift up women and girls to be educated, strengthen their voices, and align with their inner power to dream. Immediately, the foundation will make a donation to Girls Write Now, a New York-based non-profit that mentors underserved young women, 90% of whom are youth of color, to find their voices through the power of writing and community.

AVYA is deeply committed to participating in making constructive changes required to address racism in all its forms. We recognize that these are small steps, the first of many, but we will continue to take action and ask you to join us on this journey. With collective will, hope and empathy, we can heal wounds and grow from these painful moments.

Thank you,
Dr. Nakra & Deepika